Safeguarding Policy

“Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility”

At Holy Sepulchre we take the safeguarding of children, young people, and vulnerable adults very seriously. We aim to promote a safer church within our parish.

We value the importance of well-being and welfare of all regardless of gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, heritage, and religious beliefs. We aim to promote the rights of all who worship in the church and/or use the church, churchyard ,and parish halls for other activities and events. Everyone deserves equal protection from harm or abuse.

As a church community we recognise that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and we are committed to:

  1. promoting a safe and friendly environment for all by responding promptly to any safeguarding concerns that are raised.
  2. supporting victims/survivors of abuse and all who have been affected by it.
  3. pastorally supporting those who are the subject of concerns or allegations, and other affected persons.
  4. responding to those who may pose a risk to others.
  5. encouraging others to be vigilant and to report any concerns to the appropriate persons.
  6. regularly reviewing and updating our Safeguarding Policy.
  7. ensuring that people in a position of trust attend mandatory Safeguarding training and, where applicable, undergo an enhanced DBS check.
Mike Longman is our Safeguarding Officer and can be reached at and can be reached on 01604 627988.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Officer for the Peterborough Diocese is Victoria Kellett and can be reached on 07133 887000.

Read our Full Policy here