Meet the team at the Holy Sepulchre

Our Vision

To create a religious, spiritual, cultural, social, and historic hub in the heart of Northampton for the well-being of all with whom it comes into contact.

Our mission

Holy Sepulchre is a loving community of faith for all people, which comes together to meet, celebrate and share in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Our Beliefs

1. Christian Foundation: The Church is rooted in the Christian faith, affirming the belief in the Holy Trinity – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.

2. Scripture and Tradition: We value the authority of the Bible and recognizes the importance of tradition in interpreting and understanding Christian teachings.

3. Creeds: The Church upholds the Apostles’ Creed, recited during our weekly service, as an essential statement of Christian faith.

4. Sacraments: We recognize and administer sacraments, including Baptism and Holy Communion, as sacred rituals that convey God’s grace and presence.

5. Worship and Prayer: Worship is a central aspect of the Church, with liturgical practices and a structured order of service. Prayer, both individual and communal, is emphasized as a means of connecting with God.

6. Social Justice: The Church is committed to promoting social justice, compassion, and care for the marginalized. It encourages charitable work and addresses societal issues in alignment with Christian values.

7. Inclusivity: As an inclusive church, a church that celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate, we welcome all people regardless of age, race, gender, sexuality, mental or physical abilities, or financial or social status. We fully support the ministry of women as deacons, priests, and bishops.

8. Faith and Reason: We encourage a thoughtful and reflective approach to faith, acknowledging the compatibility of faith and reason. We value intellectual inquiry and the exploration of spiritual truths.

Our team

We are a small group of committed individuals.

Christian church in Northampton town centre

Fr. Oliver Coss


Fr Oliver is looking after the Holy Sepulchre until they find their ‘forever priest.’

As the rector of All Saints, Northampton and the Rural Dean of Greater Northampton he brings experience, knowledge and a dynamic vision. 

Eddie Church Warden at Holy Sepulchre


Church Warden

I have attended the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for some years now, was married here and our daughter was christened at this Church. I accepted the role of churchwarden nearly three years ago and devote a lot of time to the running of the Church; it really is a fascinating place.

Mike part of the team at Holy Sepulchre


Safeguarding Officer

Mike has returned to Holy Sepulchre after failing to make the grade at the local Kingdom Hall.  

He was first attracted to Holy Sepulchre because he could hide away in the gloom, shortly afterwards new lighting was installed.

Mike is in charge of Safeguarding and our Inventory and is  a historian who  clearly thinks he is a comedian. 

Michael part of the team at Holy Sepulchre


Church Council

My name is Michael, I have been worshipping at Holy Sepulchre for almost 50 years, I was a member of The Boys Brigade in my younger days, that’s how I become associated with Holy Sepulchre. I have seen many faces come & go, & sadly many have passed away. I have held several positions within the church including Sacreston, Server, chalice assistant, & PCC member. I’ve enjoyed being part of this historic setting & looking forward to the future here. 

Organ Church of the Holy Sepulchre


Organist & Council

Johan has attended Holy Sepulchre since 2005 having replied to a request for a organist.  He has been the organist ever since.

Johan loves the building, and is comitted to improving congrgation numbers. He loves been part of the team, and looks forward to the future.

Historic church northampton



Sarah is a fairly recent addition to the team and does a little bit of everything. She has lived in Northampton for 25 years.

Sarah got married in the church and her daughter was christened here.  She loves the Gothic feel of the church and is very invested in what the church can do for the community.  

Contact Church Of The Holy Sepulchre


Parish Secretary

My name is Paula, I live in Northampton. I’m married with 2 daughters. I’ve worked at the Church and halls for 10 years.

Our church is friendly and welcoming. We have a versatile church for all occasions. 

What Paula isn’t telling you is that she is also a baker even though we have yet to taste her wares. Oh and also without her everything would grind to a halt.  

restoration trust


Restoration Trust

( Malcolm) John Kightley MBE FISMM presently Director/Secretary Holy Sepulchre Restoration Trust Ltd.

John brings much experience to Holy Sepulchre via his tenancy as churchwarden of 25 years plus going back his City & Guilds certificate in cabinet making, three years as a Non Commisioned Officer in the Royal Air Force Police with thereafter 40 years working in the furnishing trade via sales and service at local long established Watts in Abington Street. Within all that has been involved at St Seps since 1963.

John’s commitment to the trust when formed in 1982 has proudly resulted in the raising of over £650,000 of the £1.3 million raised and spent to date, via 150,000 visitors, 24 royal visits, 176 band concerts, five huge flower and costume festivals and countless history research that has improved St Seps profile enormously which has enabled the massive offering of visitor tours.